Aug 26, 2010

Opened Door

Yesterday I had one of the greatest times I have had in a long time.  I spent the day with a very special, wonderful man.  We spent the day at the zoo, then a movie and to top it off a beautiful, romantic view of the city.  Everyone tends to go to the look out points, but we went somewhere different and the view was breath-taking.

The book I am reading mentioned something about open doors and how most of the time we don’t notice the doors open to us because we pay too much attention to the closed ones.  We try to open them, bust them down, break them open that we don’t see the door right next to it wide open.  I have decided to let doors close in my life and accept that those doors have been closed.  Because well when one doors closes another one opens right?  But I accepted that some doors have been closed; while some not completely (like not losing someone all together but becoming great friends).  I took the chance on a door that has been open and had probably one of the best dates in a long time.

The door has been opened to something that could be wonderful…well is wonderful already.  I know we will be spending more time together.  Everything yesterday was perfect, even when we weren’t talking it was perfect, well aside from all the animals being asleep except like the polar bear.  But I’m excited for paying attention to the open door in front of me.  More later….

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