Aug 14, 2010

Emotional Intelligence

So I was reading my book today and read something else that kind of made sense.  The author said something about relying too much on our brains to “carry the full weight” of life.  But when it comes down to it we need to allow our hearts to take over sometime.  For some reason we don’t allow our hearts to speak, we don’t listen to our hearts as much as we want, or should.  Elizabeth Lesser (the author) made an interesting point.  She said maybe it was because we live in a society that stresses intellectual understanding rather than emotional intelligence. 

Too often we think or emotions and feelings are untrustworthy and we cannot experience reality if we listen or rely on our emotions and feelings.  ITs almost as if we really don’t allow ourselves to feel, but to think about the solution to our troubles.  I think we feel more stress and struggle more because we don’t let ourselves actually feel.  What if…maybe…some of the hardships and struggles we go through don’t have a solution other than to feel.  To experience the pain and heartache?  Maybe we NEED to feel.  Maybe we need to experience the feelings and emotions that go along with going through the pains of life.

While some people think emotions and feelings are untrustworthy and we can’t rely on them that much; I think sometimes we need to rely on our emotions to experience life.  What is life if you don’t experience the emotions and feelings that go with it?  Why do we have to try and hide how we feel and the emotions that sometimes rage inside us?

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