Nov 2, 2009


I realize the other day that I havent done a post on the things that I am thankful for an awhile.  I wanted to do that at least once a week and come up with different things each week that I am most thankful for.  We need to thank God for different things in our lives no matter how small or how big…so here goes…


The smile and laughter of someone I care about

Finishing a good book

Being healthy: no cancer; or other ailments other than a cold

A good paying job, stressful as it may be I am thankful for it

Laughter…just laughter in general

The softness of my cat

Talents God has given me and talents he hasn’t given me

Luxuries of life: internet, cell phone, car, etc. 

Soft warm bed to sleep in

Fall, the changing of the leaves, the scent everything

There are so many different things to be thankful for and to thank God for that sometimes I think we forget that we should thank him for the things he has granted us.  Things we take for granted.

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