Nov 2, 2009


Sometimes there are things in life that won’t go the way that we expect them to or the way we want them too.  There is a say that if you want to make God laugh; tell him your plans.  That saying can never be truer.  How many times have you tried to do things your way only to fail and have things not work out the way that you expected them too?  When have things worked out the way that YOU planned them too?  I know in my life things never turned out the way I wanted them too, but once I accepted that things pan out the way that God wants them too, everything seems to fall into place.

We need to accept that sometimes things aren’t going to happen like we want, we won’t get everything in life that we want.  We will fail from time to time and that doesn’t mean that you are doomed for failure or that God doesn’t want you to succeed.  Sometimes we need to fail and fall in order to come to where God wants us to be.  Sometimes we need to struggle through life to come to a point where we need to be to find our life’s purpose.  We learn things through our life’s trials and many times we learn to accept things as they are.  Things in my life aren’t how I would like them to be, but I have accepted that.  I accepted that things aren’t how I want them because I know through this I am going to learn something and be where I need to be.

There is someone I care deeply about who made some mistakes in his past, and when I think about it, yea those don’t matter to me and nothing he tells me about his past will change how I feel about it.  But what does matter is the fact that without those mistakes…we wouldn’t have met.  He wouldn’t have come to camp, to my church.  He wouldn’t know some of the people who adore him and see a good man within.  I think of my mistakes and if I didn’t make them or made some of the decisions I struggled with, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.  I wouldn’t have the life I have.  Who knows what would have happened if I went to California or Myrtle Beach.  Things would be different yes, but would they have been better?  ALways need to ask yourself is the alternative better?

Accepting things in life as is can be a hard thing to do, but honestly it is not a bad thing.  Things may not be as you want them to be, or you could be struggling in life, but when we accept things and let them happen naturally and not forced, then everything will fall into place.

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