Nov 14, 2009

Forgetting The Past

There are times when I just sit back and think of my past experiences and I know there are other people that do the same thing.  The problem with that sometimes when we think about the past we tend to revert to it and live in it.  We get stuck in the past and have a hard time getting out of it.  I know I have fallen into getting stuck into the past many different times.  It’s hard not to…we remember the hurts and pains, and sometimes we remember the good times.  I find it funny how sometimes we don’t dwell on the memories and good choices we make in life, but we dwell on the all the pain and bad choices that we made.

Too often we dwell on the bad things in life, but why?  Why do we dwell on these things?  When all we get is pain, nothing good ever comes from dwelling on these things.  Yet we find it so hard to dwell and spend time dwelling on the good times and the things good that happened in our lives.  I know sometimes it is hard to forget the past, hard to forget the hurt.  But why dwell on it? I ask myself this almost every day.  Why do I dwell  on the past that hurts me so bad?  Why dwell on the past mistakes I have made, they are just that…the past.  But why….why cant we just let it be the past?  Why do we need to always bring it back up one way or another?

Where does that get us?  No where honestly.  What is the point in dwelling on past hurts and pain only to allow it to cause us more hurt and pain in the present.  It is so easy to slip into the past and not focus on the present or even the future, OR because we dwell too much on the past our future looks bleak and we are some what afraid of it.  Afraid to move on, afraid to give something…or someone a chance.  Dwelling on the past gets us no where, yet it is too hard to not dwell.  I wish I could just forget the past and leave it there in the past and live in the present, life would be happier, don’t you think?

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