Mar 5, 2009

Insight Writer

I was just reading a dear friend's (Jeremy) blog Insight Writer. If you haven't read it you really should because he is insightful duh hence insight writer right. But Jeremy was talking about being at a cross roads in life and he said something that I thought was really interesting and got me thinking. He said: Some of the greatest advancements of mankind have come through dreamers. Men and women who thought the present could look very different in the future. People who weren’t afraid to try. Many times we are so incredibly focused on the future that we allow it to effect the present instead of letting the present effect the future. Others tend to live in the past not wanting to walk ahead when faced with a cross roads of sorts.

Sometimes I think we are always at a Y in the road each day because our decisions do make a difference to our futures. Like Jeremy says our decisions have consequences sometimes they are consequences that we want other times it is consequences that makes everything even harder. I think Carrie talked about this not to long ago too more of people being at their Y and just not making a decision. Like the quote above from Jeremy there are times when people are afraid of what the future may hold, and to honest I was there at one point in my life, sure it was when I was dealing with the cancer.

But Jeremy goes on to say the decision whatever it may be is his decision without any influences, and goodness how many times do we let outside influences effect our decisions and what we do? I know when I think about my choices I think about how it will effect others and they tell me their input but in all honesty like Jeremy said it always comes down to my choice. Sometimes we make mistakes, but those mistakes help us learn and make better decisions for what we do or don't do with our lives. I just love reading Jeremy's words, and I think you all should too.

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