Mar 26, 2009


I was looking through some old things and getting rid of things that I did not need when I came across a note. I don't remember when I recieved it, but after reading it I remembered why I saved it. I had written a thank you note to one of my high school teachers: Mrs. Krupa. She was one of the hardest teachers in Bentworth, but what made her hard was that she pushed her students to achieve the very best that she knew was within them. She never settled, she never accepted less than what she knew we all were capable of. And after several years in college I wrote her a note thanking her for that. And she wrote me a note telling me how much it meant to her and that she would always remember me sending her that card.

There are always people in our lives who make a difference whether we know it or not. I never thought this mean horrible teacher would be the one who made a real difference in my life and made me never want to settle for less than what I was capable of. From her, I learned how to really apply myself and how to work hard for what I get and really appreciate it. She inspired me to be what I am today, though I would like to have more out of life right now, but I am who I am today partly because she pushed me. Sometimes that is what I think our hardships in life are like. God's little ways of pushing us to achieve the very best that he knows is within us. There is so much we are capable of and I think sometimes without God's little pushes, we wouldn't really aspire to do it all.

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