Mar 2, 2009

Random Messages

Today I came home and found a message on my myspace page from someone I do not know. He saw I was friends with Jeremy, Jason, Sarah, and Crystal and told me I had to be a strong wonderful person to be friends with them because they are great people which I totally agree with. There is no one better than they are. But anyway. He went on to say that he read my blogs and thought I had great insight and it showed my faith in God was strong and that he commends me on my faith and dealing with the things I have.

The thing is I have no idea who this man is. I have never met him, he only sent me a message because he knows some of the same people that I do. And...lately I have been feeling like I have been disappointing God. As if I have been a let down not only to Him, but also to everyone around me. It's not exactly the greatest feeling to have that you are letting down not just your friends and family but that you are letting God down. I know God has this ultimate plan for me and I know as of right now, I may not be living up to that plan and it does bother me. I have been motivated recently to change some things in my life and start doing some other things.

After talking to Jeremy the other night, I am taking different actions to get a good job and pursue my dreams. I am looking into other opportunities like volunteering at Acquire The Fire this year. I know those will not make these feelings go away but it is a start. I cannot just sit at home and think that I am letting God yet not do anything about it. I think there are times when God does something to poke us in the butt and say HEY listen up. I have a feeling that is what the random message was. God's way of saying I am NOT letting him down, that I just need to get myself moving. He does things like that in all of our lives and too often, I don't think we pay much attention when he does that.

Too often we are looking for God to do these big huge signs that he is around and still listening/caring about us, but maybe..just maybe we need to start looking at the small things. There can be more of God's actions within the small things throughout life than there are in the big life changing events.

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