Aug 20, 2008


Saturday night Todd and I went to a baseball game with my family. Its almost the end of the season for the Wildthings so we went to see them play. Well, I got to be the fan of the game, which means I got to throw out t-shirts to the crowd. It was fun. I mention this because Dutch says a little something about you before throwing the shirts. I wasn't going to say anything about the cancer, but something inside told me to, so I did. He shouted that I was a cancer survivor and on my way back to my seat a lady came up to me. She has a friend who is dealing with Lymphoma as well. A young man of 24 which was how old I was when I found out about mine. Odd. But she wanted me to give him a call to give him some words of encouragement.

God gives us different opportunities to make a difference in someone's life. If I didn't sign up for the fan of the night, or ignore the feeling to have Dutch say I was a cancer survivor, I would never have this chance to talk to another Lymphoma warrior about God and how He is the great physician. We need to pay attention to that little something telling us to something: many times it's God telling us to do it because he has a plan with what He wants to happen. God gives us these open opportunities to do His will...He makes it easy sometimes. I wanted to start giving others encouragement and now is my chance. I don't what I am going to say to him, but I am not worried about it, I am praying that God gives me the words to say to help encourage him.

Not only does this opportunity help this young man but it helps me for when more people come to cancer support group. Sometimes we think that little voice is ourselves and ignore it. But sometimes it's just so strong that we can't.

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