Aug 6, 2008

Finding Oneself

I was reading a young woman blog on xanga yesterday. She was saying how she's having a hard time finding her identity. Most of the time she defines it on whether or not she had a boyfriend. How do we find our identities? It's so hard to define who we are with so much going on in the world around us. So many people want to fit into the crowd that they try to be whoever they are with instead of trying to be themselves. With all the "this is what to wear" "listen or watch this" "read this, act this way" and so on in life it's hard for one person to decide who they are and what they like when sometimes what they like or how they dress goes against the norm.

I think in order for us all to find our own identities we need to go against the norm. I found a lot of people were defining me through the color of my hair not my intelligence or what I believe. I define myself as a follower of Christ, and other things that don't seem to go against the norm, but do we really want to be like everyone else? God made us all different for a reason. We are different colors, personalities, religions, ethnicity, nationalities and so much more. We are different for a reason and if we keep trying to be like someone else we will never find out who we truly are. Many young women are obsessed with being thin, or wearing the right clothes or even having a boyfriend. So many girls are afraid to not have a boyfriend.

People are trying to define themselves by many superficial things. We should be defining ourselves based on who we are not what we have or how we look those things aren't as important as who we are as a person.

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