Aug 5, 2008

Criticism and Discipline

Too often we do not like to get criticized or disciplined. Many times it feels like we are being attacked instead of having someone trying to help us learn and grow. I know with myself i got defensive when anyone would criticize something about me, my writing, singing, looks anything. It's hard for us to accept criticism sometimes.

The Bible talks about criticism and discipline in Proverbs 13:18: He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame; but whoever heeds correction is honored.

Criticism: A sever or unfavorable judgment

Discipline: Training of the mental, moral, and physical powers by instruction, control and exercise.

We are one a path with God and many times we stumble and we fall. If we don't accept the discipline to do what it takes: read the Bible, pray, be in fellowship, and more then how can we grow closer to God? When we don't stick to discipline or be disciplined it's easier for us to fall from our paths. When we are criticized about things it easier for us or others to see where our paths need to be corrected.

If we ignore both we stay in a rut and can't go anywhere. If we don't heed correction of others how will we ever know what needs corrected? We aren't perfect. We know if we honor God by sticking to disciplined actions and the discipline of others we honor God. We will find success when we listen to corrections in anything we do. Remember in school when a teacher corrected us we learned. That's the same with God. We need to be corrected sometimes in order to grow.

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