Aug 7, 2008

My Redeemer Lives

I have to say my Wednesday night Bible studies are the best. I don't think I could survive the week without them. It's like a boost of energy for not just my spiritual side, but all aspects of my life. While my own Bible studies help, the fellowship with others and the insight of my Pastors are always an added bonus and just makes my week. For the past couple of months we have been working our way through Job. We focused on Chapter 19 last night. I admit Job is one of my favorite stories, second to the story of Ester. But chapter 19 Job talks of his plight and how his friends aren't acting like friends.

It was towards the end that made me really think. Verses 25 to 27 says I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought! Now remember here is Job: he lost his family, his wealth, and his health. He's sitting there with boils on his body, stinky, puss oozing out and other stuff. He always talked of his depression and despair. He asked God why, but he never once blamed God. Those verse are proof that he still praised God. Even though he might not be referring to Jesus, he knew God would redeem him through all this.

How often through our own hardships do we give God praise? How often do we say "my redeemer lives?" When we go through some hardship we tend to blame God saying he caused them this strife. They think they are being punished for their sin or that God is just mad at them. God always has a reason for us to go through some hardship and struggle in our lives. We always learn and grow from our struggles and suffering. I know it's hard to keep a focus on that there is a good reason for our struggles and that God will see us through. Job said he is overwhelmed at the thought of getting to see God. When my uncle was dying of cancer, that is what he said. He was excited that he would get to see Jesus finally. Sure he was upset that he wouldn't be here with us, but he knew God had other plans. Sometimes it is hard to praise God through hardships, hard to see that there is something good that could come out of the experience, but we need to try and place our focus on God.

That is what church, fellowship, Bible Studies, prayer meetings, and other things churches may offer are so important. They help us keep our focus on God instead of ourselves. Job knew God loved him and wouldn't abandon him in his time of need. He just asked God why and after a while said he knew God would save him at some point. It might not be today, tomorrow or next week, but God will answer our prayers if it is in his will. He will save us from our struggles and hardships. It may not be what we think it would be. The point is that we need to keep in mind that God will be there for us, he doesn't make us go through hardships as punishment or out of anger. He does it out of love and wants to help us grow stronger in faith through the hardships we deal with. We can use any hardship we deal with as a testimony and witness to others
dealing with the same things.

Praise God: I know my redeemer lives!

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