Aug 14, 2008

Beacon Of Light

I have this friend from high school that I talk to from time to time and try to be a beacon of light for her. Sometimes I feel like I have failed because it would be months before I talk to her again. I know there are things in her life that she needs and wants to change and in the past I have been there for her, but lately I kind of backed off for some reason. I won't go into the story of her situation because that's neither here nor there. But my heart goes out to her and know that she will find the comfort she needs in Jesus.

Last night she called and we talked about things one of which being the situation she is in at the moment, and I just invited her to church. Sadly she said she couldn't come this weekend but I hope she can within the next couple of weeks. I do want to be a beacon for her as we all should be to our friends. It's part of witnessing to them about Jesus. We listen to them, invite them to Bible Study and church and if you are younger: youth group. Being a beacon of God's love to someone else can help us grow in our own faith in Jesus. I love my friend very much and I want her to see and feel the comfort and peace I get from Jesus, so why wouldn't I tell her about him and invite her to church? Honestly why wouldn't we witness to our friends and family. I know it's hard sometimes and things inhibit us from doing so.

But witnessing isn't just talking about Jesus to them, but inviting them to church, Bible Study, fellowship, and more. I know she has seen God's love through me because of our conversations, and that I listen to her without judging her actions, along with how I treat others. She sees my life so she sees Jesus. That's how our lives should be. People should get a glimpse of God through how we act, react, and live our lives.

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