Nov 2, 2010

Battle Within

I just finished reading a novel by Ted Dekker called “Three.”  It is an amazing novel that I couldn’t put down, I wanted to see how it ended and the twists that Ted would put into it.  The basis of the novel was the battle between good and evil, but not from an outward viewpoint.  The battle of good and evil within ourselves.  In the novel good and evil manifested themselves into alternate personalities of  the main character, an interesting viewpoint. 

Every person no matter who you are, what religion you are, is capable of good as well as evil.  Some of the “evil” we do, we try to justify in some form or another.  For example we may not go out and kill someone in our neighborhood, but we do sin.  How often do we gossip about the couple next door?  or tell a “little white lie.”  We may not all go through alternate personality manifestations, but when we struggle with the good an evil inside I do believe there is a sort of reaction.  People around I believe notice a difference.

While in the book to destroy the evil personality the main character had to “kill” him.  But there is no way for us to destroy the evil within us because we are…human.  The only way we can deal with the evil and let good prevail is to rely on our faith no matter if you are Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, Jewish or any other religion.  Faith, prayer and reliance is what we need to survive the battle between good and evil within us all.

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