Nov 5, 2010

Giving Thanks

Its getting close to that time of year, Thanksgiving were we tend to give thanks for the things we have and things that we have overcome throughout the past year.  And its the time of the week were i give my list of things that I am thankful and grateful for.

A Loving Family

Wonderful teachers in school; without them I don’t think I would have made it.

Lessons learned every day

Tom: I am so thankful that I found him and grateful for all the little things

Meeting new people

Breaking through my comfort zones

Friends who are there through thick and thin

My job, while I struggle from time to time, its worth it and means a lot

My eyesight, while my vision is bad without my glasses, I am thankful I can still see with them.

Being able to have luxuries such as a car, warm running water and other things we tend to take for granted

We tend to take so many different things for granted that sitting here thinking of the things that I am grateful for makes me think of why I am grateful for them and why they are important to my life.  Too often we take for granted the things we do have and don’t realize that things could be worse.  Take time out of your day to give thanks for the things  and people you are able to have in your life.

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