Nov 3, 2010

Sharing pain

C.S Lewis says something interesting in his book “A Grief Observed” that he says “You can’t really share someone else’s weakness, or fear, or pain.”  This is such a powerful quote as I read it, it started to make me think.  But there is so much truth within it.  No matter how close you are to someone, how much you love someone, you cannot share their weakness, fears or pain.

Its hard to understand what someone is going through even if you have been through the same situation.  Every situation effects people differently.  What happens to me will effect me different and cause me a different pain than someone who may be going through the same thing.  You can understand to an extent, but not fully.  While we go through our hardships and pains we learn different lessons experience different thoughts.  No two people think the same.

I love Tom with all my heart and he loves me, but no matter how much we love each other and connect, we couldn’t share in each other’s weakness, fear and pains.  We can try to understand and support each other and be there, but sharing it, experiencing it step by step, thought by thought is a different story.  How could we when we aren’t the same person?

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