Oct 27, 2010


So we all have fears there is no denying that right?  Sometimes those fears are rather irrational and a lot of the time based on past experience.  Fear is basically a common element in life and there doesn’t seem to be a way around it or away from it.  Is there?  What can one person do to get away from their fears and get rid of them?

What can one person do about their fears especially when their fears seem to begin to eat them up?  I admit I have my fears about many different things.  A lot of my fears deal with the things I have been put through in the past.  Who hasn’t allowed their past experiences to cause them fears.  I admit some of the past hurts are affecting me and somewhat biting me on the butt.

In the past I have always been the back-burner, lost and forgotten.  Never important to someone.  But now….with Tom, I feel so important.  Feel like I am finally valued and important to someone.  I have to honestly say I don’t think a guy has ever treated me this way before, that I am the most important person to him. 

I love Tom with all my heart.  And I guess laying myself on the line and allowing someone to have all my heart and all my trust, being somewhat completely vulnerable; its hard to do that and not have fears.

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