Oct 18, 2010

Needing God

I have been reading C.S Lewis’ “A Grief Observed” this weekend, its not all that long, I started it Friday and I have it almost finished.  But there are so many things within it that Lewis says that makes a lot of sense when you read it.  At one point he talks about needing God when we are going through a hardship like grief (which could be grief over many different things).

He says “When you are happy, so happy that you have no sense of needing him…but go to him when your need is desperate, when all other help is vain…a door slammed in your face.”  What he said is right, too often when we are happy and have no struggles we don’t feel the need for God, too many people tend to put Him to the back burner and not come to Him until they are struggling.  The slamming door Lewis talks about, isn’t so much of God slamming the door on us, or turning his back to us.  It is more of us wanting a response right away, right when we turn to Him and not thinking or remembering that God responds  in His own time not our own.

Too often we think like Lewis was that when are in a time of need God seems to turn his back.  It may seem that way because of our own selfishness.  We commonly ask “where was God in my hardships?”  What we don’t realize is that when we need God the most, that is when He is with us the most. God is always there, and it makes me think of the poem Footprints when the man asked God about the footprints and He said “That is when I carried you.”  We think we are going through our hardships alone, but that is when God is carrying us.  Why is that we don’t realize that?

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