Oct 12, 2010


This past Sunday I got to experience something different…ZombieFest in Pittsburgh.  It is exactly how it sounds, people dressing as Zombies and pretty much hanging out for the day in Market Square.  Okay so there was concerts and contests at the end of the night there was a zombie walk also.  This year we beat the world record for number of zombies in one place: 4700 to be exact.

I went with Tom, of course.  It was a chance to do something I normally wouldn’t have done on my own.I got the chance to watch Tom do some of the work he does and be a part of it..I was his model and took pictures for his portfolio.

Normally we always try to do things that fit into our comfort zones and try to stay within them.  I don’t think it’s healthy to live that way, sometimes we need to push ourselves to break those zones and try something new, experience something different.  I had so much fun at the Zombie Fest, and knowing me….4700 people around me normally would mean a panic attack of some sort, but it didn’t happen.  The more I put myself slightly outside of my comfort zone the less panic attacks I have.  I grow as a person and in mental health so to speak.

I think we need to get out of our comfort zones, it’s not that bad of a thing to break out and learn something new.  If it is something that can help us grow then why are we all afraid of it?

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