Oct 15, 2010

Giving Thanks

I know I have been lacking lately in the blogging aspect of things, but I have been so busy and I am working on being more disciplined in it.  There are things throughout live that I am thankful for and once a gain here are some of those things.

Cheesy as it is:  love.  Being in love and being loved.

More cheese:  being held in Tom’s arms, its well perfect

PuffPuff: she is so soft, and I love when she meows at me when I talk to her.

Festivals: they are so much fun and a lot of the time you can learn from them

Friends/Family: they mean the world to me and I don’t know what I would do without any of them.

Popeye:  Tom’s cat.  His energy as a kitten is so cute and the things he does makes me laugh

My Clients:  The kids I work with help remind me about the importance of being young and holding onto whatever I can to keep me young.

Fall: the colors are so beautiful and the weather is just nice

Popcorn….what is there to say yummy

Milk…does a body good….no really sometimes a nice glass of cold milk hits the spot.  and Tom makes awesome choco milk :D

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