Jan 22, 2010

Weekly Thanks

Its that time again.  I think I am going to make my weekly thanks post, on fridays, so you can expect friday’s posts to be about giving thanks and things I am grateful in life for.  Today I am going to do something different.  Sure it is good to see what I am thankful for, but what are some other people thankful for?  I asked some of my friends what they are thankful for and this is what they had to say:

that I have the love of so many wonderful people like you and my kids and others despite my flaws and weaknesses” – my friend Terry

my husband” – my best friend Donya

My three littles and YOU” – Casey

Cheese” – my brother  (ok cheese is good and you can be thankful for it)

Family -- Daddy

God and facebook” – college roomie and friend Lindsey

My healthy children” – My friend from high school Shannon

Public restrooms and soft toilet paper – my friend Chris (yea small things make him happy)

My children, husband and church – my momma

Alot of the people in my life have chosen the same thing: family in one shape or form.  Others like my brother and Chris choose more simplistic and albeit odd things like soft toilet paper.  But its those things that you can be thankful for and appreciate.  Imagine if you didnt have toilet paper let alone soft.  When you did get it, you would appreciate it all the more.  Just think about that a minute….


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