Jan 9, 2010

Answered Prayers

We all pray to God for one reason or another.  Some things can be big prayers and other simple like getting a new job.  There are time when God does not answer our prayers and when he doesn’t it may seem like he isn’t listening to us and our cries.  But he does answer prayers in his time.  I have prayed for a new job for a few months and finally got a good one that is better suited for me.

There are other things in life that God has answered prayers for, some small and miniscle.  But there are other ones that are life changing.  I have been looking back on my life and I have been seeing the things in my life that have been answers to prayers even if I knew it or not.  Everything happened to me for a reason and I know that.  I see things were answers to my prayers.  Just because I wanted something and I didn’t get it the way I thought doesn’t mean that my prayer didn’t get answered. 

I tend to think that prayers are never unanswered but answered differently than we expect.  I pray to find the man of my dreams and that I’d marry one man.  I didn’t marry him, but years later I find someone who is a better fit to the dreams I have.  I didnt get a new job months ago because the right one wasn’t open yet.  Prayers get answered, but just not the way we expect.  When we look back on things we’ll see that things are answered in different ways.

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