Jan 21, 2010

Trusting God

There are times in our lives when we don’t trust God.  When we try to do things on our own or, we simply just don’t put our trust in God and what he does for us.  I know in my life there have been times when I didn’t trust in God.  But one thing that I keep realizing over and over again (I don’t know why I don’t remember it I should by now) is when I don’t trust in God things never go right, things fall apart, and my life is everything but relaxed and easy going.  It seems like its one thing after another, one worry, two stresses, and countless sleepless nights.

Then the moment I say “ok God you take the wheel” everything falls into place.  Things work themselves out and things happen that are unexplained or surprising.  For example my current job has three different wages depending on what I am doing.  Travel gets one wage, being with the client is another and training is yet one more.  Well I am still in training so I was expecting the training/meeting wage.  I have been worried about finances the past few weeks because I am going from one job to another.  Today I found out the hours I worked are not considered training but billable, the wage I get when with a client simply because no other TSS is with him.  So I get 3 hours at a different rate giving me a little bit more money, and the same goes for my hours next week.

I gave my finances up to God, and it worked out.  I thought I was close to being in the hole this week and when i checked last night I had enough to pay for bills I needed and then have money left over for gas.  God is providing for me in one way or another, because I am trusting in him.  Because I am giving him control, glory and honor in all things of my life, just not the places that I want him to be in.

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