Jan 3, 2010

Weekly Thanks

Time again to look at my life and give thanks for the things in my life no matter how big or how small.  Doing this I have learned a lot of different things because I have looked hard at my life looking at things I take for granted and realized that I take a lot of things for granted, like having hot water to shower with.  Things like that that we don’t think of but we should be thankful for.

Clean water to drink

Smile on a child’s face

My car..being able to pay for it

Smell of fresh cut grass or new fallen snow

Stars twinkling in the sky:  shooting stars

Parents who love me, a brother I’d do anything for

The softness of my cat’s fur (I love when she curls up near my head when I sleep)

Music…just in general…life would be boring without music

My best friend…to elaborate would take too long

Memories: good and bad

My boyfriend: no words can describe why I am thankful for him

My mistakes….I’ve learned from some, others..not so much.

I think too often we have a hard time looking at our life and being thankful for everything we have.  This is the perfect time of year to just sit back and think about what we are thankful for.  Things we tend to take for granted, and not appreciate.  When we do that, I think half the things wrong in life don’t seem so bad when we realize what we truly have.

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