Apr 28, 2009

Moving Forward

Sometimes it is hard to move forward when we have so many past hurts that we hold onto. Sometimes we become so jaded and bitter towards things that we just clam up and not move forward in anything including our walks with God. We tend to question him and wonder why a merciful God would allow us to be so hurt sometimes. I think there are times when we think that simply because we are Christians we won't have go through heartache and pain like this, but it is quite the opposite. Some times we have o deal with even more pain.

I have been thinking a lot about my past pains and have prayed about it with Pastor. Simply sitting at the alter saying that I want to give up all these past hurts and pains and give them to God helped, but I know I need to do more than that. I find myself getting bitter towards someone because he wants me to open up to him, and it would just cause me more pain. But sometimes that what we need to do in order to move forward and not let the hurts from the past over rule our lives. Maybe...just maybe in order to really move forward we need to face the past hurts head on and allow them to hurt us as much as possible while we relive them and give them up to God. I would think that would make us a little bit stronger, but could that also destroy us?

We need to be able to overcome our pains to appreciate our relationship with Christ better. What pains do you need to overcome.

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