Apr 2, 2009

Mustard Seeds

There is a verse in the Bible that says if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed, we will be able to point to a mountain and tell it to move, and it would. Faith that would move mountains. I have thought about this verse many times because It says a lot about even the smallest of faiths. Sure I don't think I could point to Mt. Everst and make it move, but because of my faith in Christ I can move the mountains in my life. I can accomplish things that I set my mind to because I believe God is at my side helping me through it all. And I don't think I could have made it through half the things I have been through without my faith in God.
We all have different mountains that we face throughout life. It could be anything from an illness, umemployement, heartache, lose of a loved one and so much more. As long as we have faith the size of at least a mustard seed we can move those mountains. If it takes that small of faith to move mountains imagine what we could do with faith as big as a grape? or a watermelon? As our faith grows stronger and bigger we are able to accomplish more and more things. Bigger things that we never thought we could accomplish. We should really try to put more trust in our faith and our God than in our own devises, when we doubt our faith we are really doubting God. We need to learn to put more trust in God and learn to rely on him and our faith in Him through our troubled times. We will always have mountains in our lives sometimes they will be small other times they will be huge, but we need to rely on our faith to move those mountains and accomplish the things that we want to accomplish.

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