May 1, 2009

Hurts and Pains

It seems like a lot people around me are dealing with past hurts and pains. I was talking to a dear friend of mine: Cait. who is dealing with some past hurts from one person. She was saying she is mad at herself because she misses this person. There will always be people who hurt you, but because you have good memories with them you'll miss them and that's okay. ou dont want to let the pain and hurt make you bitter. Too often we allow people to make us bitter about our past hurts and pains.

I think we go through experiences like that to show us how strong we are or to make us stronger. My friend is fairly young and shouldnt have to deal with this kind of heart. She is unsure of who she can trust which makes me sad, but she is learning people are not always going to hurt her, and I think that is something God wants us to know. While there are people who will hurt us continuely, there are also people who could never hurt us. Trust is something that is hard for us to give out and I think sometimes need to picky about. We need to trust God the mot and that is one of the lessons I think we need to learn through our hurts: trusting God to help us through and heal our pains.

We cannot let our pains and hurts make us bitter and hard shelled. Too often our pains cause us to close people out and not let anyone else in. But with the help of God that won't happen and we can work towards letting go of those pains, but we need to give them up to God and when we do, we leave it there with God and to keep praying about it.

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