Apr 15, 2009

Wants and Desires

Throughout life there are things that we want that we cant have whether it be items, jobs, relationships anything. There are different things everyone wants but we don't always get what we want and too often people like to blame God for not having what we want. Sometimes those things aren't the best things for us or God has something else planned for us, something better. Or we will not be able to accomplish some of the things God has planned for us that we would without the desires we have. I admit there is a relationship that I never wanted to end, but it did. I care deeply for this person and think he is wonderful in every way. While I would like to be in his life again, I know there is a reason why we aren't together. God has something better planned for both of us and that is something that I hold on to. I know God has someone in my life who will be better for me than he was and sometimes that is something that I cannot imagine.

God knows what is best for us and no matter how hard or how much we pray, simply because we want something does not mean we will be able to get it. We cannot blame God because we don't have the things we want in life but ask him for the things He has planned for us, the job, the relationships, and whatever else we may think we "need." What we think we need may not always be the best things for us. When we don't get what we want, we shouldn't stop talking to God or seeking his will in our lives or anything of that sort. Sure I am upset at the end of a perfectly good relationship, but I am also looking forward to what God has in store for me for the future. God wants us to learn things and grow as people and sometimes those un-answered prayers are his way of teaching us those things.

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