Apr 4, 2009


Recently someone who used to be in my life said something pretty harsh and insulting on a myspace page. Luckily a friend of mine was able to fix it, but what was said still hurts and bothers me deeply. He challenged my integrity and basically my purity. I know and the people around me who know me best know that what said isnt true, but it still the respect behind the matter. We all deal with people saying not so nice things about us, some are harsh, rude and very insulting while others not so much. No matter what or how big or small the "rumor" could be it still hurts and bothers us. Sometimes we have a hard time dealing with the things people say to us or about us, but that is another time we need to rely on God for strength. Sometimes we want to retaliate and say something equally mean and insulting, but the best thing we can dois either ignore it or be the nicest person we can. Like the old saying "kill them with kindness."

One of the things we are told in the Bible is to not gossip ie do not spread rumors. What is the point in spreading rumors other than inflicting pain and hurt on the person the rumors are about. We all deal with rumors differently. I ranted and raved to several friends and then confronted the person who said the harsh words, but got no answer which I expected. Sometime confronting the person shows them that their words had no effect on us, even if they did. The point in dealing with rumors is to act like the bigger person as if we dont have time for something childish and immature. God wouldn't want us to spend time focusing on rumors or spreading them. How does that display God's love? How does that show acceptance and being non-judgemental?

Rumors are nothing but time wasters. Why waste our precious time on rumors? Whether they are about us or not? I have dealt with the rumor about me and moved on, and I know in the future there will most likely be more rumors and they will be handled in the same way. Sure it bothers me and hurts that people would want to try and cause harm, but I know I am fine good woman and that people saying these things are either jealous or ashamed of the pain they have caused in the past. There are always some underlying reason why people spread rumors and honestyly I don't fully understand it, but it is something we all deal with. I would rather not have to deal with it, but such is life right?

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