Oct 2, 2008


From time to time we wonder why we feel the way we feel and what we can do to express those feelings. God gave us our emotion for a reason, and I think he wants us to be able to express them, but there are times when we don't really know how to properly express those feelings. When I was diagnosed with cancer I was so mad, but who was I supposed to be angry at? Not the doctors, myself....nor God, but I was still angry with God. But you know what...he still loves me.

Job expressed how he felt throughout his ordeal. In chapter 7 he states: I will not restrain my mouth, I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul." Job didn't refrain for complaining about how he felt and the emotions he was going through. He was able to express his emotions even if he got bitter towards God and questioned God about the things he was going through. It is okay for us to question why we go through the things that we go through. It is okay to express our emotions and cry out to God: He wants us to do that. He wants us to rely on Him and turn to Him for help and guidance, even if we cry out in anger.

We have our emotions for a reason no matter what they are: love, anger, sadness and more. God gave them too us for a reason and wants us to express them.

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