Oct 6, 2008


Forgiveness is a powerful thing. Also something I have been thinking A LOT about because at the same time I have been thinking about the past. In my past relationship I hurt many different people in my life, and I know I need to apologize to them and ask for their forgiveness. I made the step and apologized to my former roommate for being rude and inconsiderate to her while I dated my ex. Talking to her about it wasn't too hard, but there are two guys that I need to get a hold of and apologize to them, but I have really been putting it off. I saw one former friend back in January and I could have discussed things with him, but I got scared. I know he would appreciate it and forgive me but there is a small thing inside me scaring me.

I think that is Satan's way of keeping me from making amends with important people from my past. The Bible tells us that we shouldn't go to the alter when we have hurts in the past, when we have wronged someone and haven't asked their forgiveness, and I need to do that...I want to do that. Satan tries so many things to keep us from growing closer to God and becoming better people. He wants us to have past hurts that haven't been mended because that can be something he can hold over us in the future. Tom and I used to be great friends, but then I acted the way I did (I admit I was wrong I let my ex influence my actions and thoughts which I do regret) and because of that it seriously hurt our friendship.

I feel terrible when I tell people they need to forgive and ask for forgiveness when there are former friends that I have hurt and haven't discussed things with and mended even the smallest part of the relationship. I have been praying about it asking God for help, and that is what we need to do when there are issues in our lives we need help with.

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