Oct 13, 2008

God's Glory in Pictures

Instead of a normal post of words I am just going to show God's glory through pictures I took this weekend at Ohiopyle. As I said in the last post you can always see the glory of God through nature. Only God could create something like it. Nothing can come close to the things we view in nature like the changing of leaves.

The water fall I altered the coloring. But the power of the waterfall shows that God is wonderful and powerful enough to have rushing water like that. I would never want to play in this water, but it is still beautiful and amazing! I always get a sense of safety and relaxation when I watch the water rushing in a waterfall.

Look at that! How can we ever imagine that man can create this! Only God could have designed an image like this! I just see God's finger touching different trees saying "you will be yellow and you will be red, oh and you shall be orange." I know I have an active imagination, but really couldn't you picture Him saying that? We just stood there on the bridge for several minutes. The boys were having a contest, I just couldn't get over the glory of God right in front of me.

There is a reason I am constantly taking pictures whenever I go out in nature. I try to capture the beauty of God's glory, but sometimes I don't think my photos can do justice to Him.

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