Oct 10, 2008

One Year

Well here we are...one year of being cancer free. I can't tell you what that is like, it's too hard to pu tinto words. I have been spending the week thinking about the things I felt and thought and honestly wonder how I could have made it without God in my life. I still don't really know how I did it. I don't remember so much about it. I know I was at the alter every Sunday praying with either Pastor Paul or Pastor Marvin.

I could never have made it through the cancer without prayer and having faith in God. Where would I be right now if I didn't have faith in God? Would I have made it through the cancer? I know at points I was angry and depressed, but I still cried out and relied on God for the strength to make it through. I praise him today because I went through cancer and things are different. I don't see life the same as I did two years ago. Certain things don't mean as much to me anymore, and other things hold the greatest of importance.

The relationships in my life have the utmost importance over all other things. I think of Thoreau saying "simplify, simplify, simplify" when it comes to life and I have to agree. What are the necessities of life? Food, shelter, clothes, GOD, and relationships. I couldn't live life without God and the people in my life. As I talked to Todd last night I saw I would happy with the simplest of things. I don't need a big house with all the luxuries of life, just as long I have God at my side and the people I live with me. God didn't make the things we have, man made things. God made people! God gave us the relationships we have because they are more important than things. And I have to wonder why do we try to replace relationships with things?

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