Oct 28, 2008

Celebrate God

Being in Washington D.C showed me a lot of different things, the different cultures that were visiting, the different languages of course and everything we learned while in each of the museums. In the American Indian museum, there were so many amazing things, and many of them dealt with the Creator. There was a display of a mask: it looked like two dragons, one on top of the other, I accidently deleted the picture sooo I'm sorry I can't show you. But the basis for the mask was that it was used to celebrate the angels' victory over demons.

The Native Americans of the region had different celebrations of celebrate victory over evil forces and the Creator (or God) triumph over everything. They would use this mask to demonstration the fall of a demon at an angels hand and I guess there would have been food and dancing as well, I got the idea many celebrations had dancing and could have had different kinds of food (hmm food and celebration sounds like ROL).

It got me thinking, while the Native Americans were able to celebrate the Creator in different ways, at different times, for different things, we Christians find it so hard to celebrate and worship God on a Sunday let alone any other day of the week. Too often I hear people making excuses for not coming to church and one of the most common I have heard has been "I don't want to see so and so." A good friend uses this excuse. The point of church is to met God not to see someone else. ANYWAY. We find it too hard to make time to celebrate God even in our home lives and on our own.

When I was in college I had a friend: Matt Alvarez, he had Christian music constantly playing softly even when he wasn't in the room. When I asked him about it one day he said it was to help praise and worship God throughout the day. Matt had his way of being able to worship and praise all day. What is your way? Do you even have a way? Native Americans see it as an honor to worship the Creator and well their duty and it is OUR duty to worship and praise God no matter what for all things.

When we celebrate something we need to remember that we also need to celebrate God, especially with this holiday season coming. Celebrate God, not the holiday.

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