Dec 19, 2010

Tis The Season

This time of year people tend to be nicer to each other, sometimes though road rage and the such comes out more.  I have seen more people get angry about traffic and crowds in malls than normal.  People get more stressed out because of different expectation, but also seem a little more generous.  I know myself I gave more to the Salvation Army folks standing outside Walmart than i normally would.  Why is this?  Why do we feel more inclined to give to charities whether it be schools, churches, or groups like the Salvation Army than we normally would?

Do we think that there is some being out there watching us so we use the Christmas season to make up for the rest of the year?  Would it really work that way?  I don’t think so.  When it comes to treating others and being generous shouldn’t we carry this sense of not so much obligation, but desire to help others throughout the year instead just around the time Christ was born?  Shouldn’t we help our fellow man throughout the year and not just in December?  Doesn’t that seem I don’t know hypocritical?

I think as this season comes to a close in the next few weeks and people start making New Year’s Resolutions I think one of those resolutions should be to take the caring nature we have this season and carry it throughout the year.  What do you think?  That shouldnt be too hard should it?

1 comment:

Terry said...

Well, you have at least one person (me) that regularly reads it.