Dec 27, 2010

New Beginnings

The Christmas holiday is over and preparations for the New Year has begun.  Many people are making New Year’s resolutions and goals for the coming year.  Little thought is put into what the year might bring or what this past year has brought.  For me the New Year is new beginnings.  Tom and I got the apartment we wanted, a gorgeous duplex with lots of space.  We just need to repaint the kitchen and dining room (yes we are allowed to repaint).

But this is a new thing for me.  Moving out of the house, as well as moving in with my boyfriend.  Its a new beginning for me.  The chapter of me living with my parents and its a beginning of me living on my own, as well as beginning a family with Tom.  Its exciting and scary as I said in a previous post.  It is a big step, a huge step.  But a big step in the right direction to make some of my dreams come true.  THe new job is a step towards being a teacher and having the experience under my belt to help me get the jobs that I want, hopefully the one at an Autism school in Pittsburgh.  I am ready to see what the new year has install for Tom and I.

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