Dec 14, 2010

New Chapters

I came to the realization the other day that as we all enter into new chapters in life the characters in our books change.  I have come to realize that while my friends and I have each entered new chapters, that some of us have grown apart.  Its not by fault of anyone, just a natural thing.  Certain people who were the closest people in my life are not longer as close and others have become incredibly close, like family.

I keep going through it and asking myself how in a few short years did a certain friend of mine and I seem to drift away to talking to each other maybe once or twice a month.  Calling to check up and see how things are going.  The only conclusion I came up with is life changes.  We both have jobs, she has a new family, Im just beginning what could be a family.  Life moces one and we all drift apart with moving away to start families, demands of a job such as mine and so much more.  You cannot pin point one specific thing that makes people drift apart, but still doesn’t take the sadness away when you realize that you have drifted.

While i have come to realize some friends have drifted away or I have drifted from them, never know which is which.  I also have realized I have become closer with other people in my life for various reasons.  Its something that happens.  As you drift from one friend or even one set of friends, others become closer.  New chapters…new characters.

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