Dec 17, 2010

Thanks To You

I know I havent done my thanksgiving posts in several weeks.  I honestly admit I didnt have the time or energy to write something. Though sometimes I wonder if anyone actually reads my blogs.  But nonetheless I will keep writing.  The last thanksgiving post I post dealt with someone specific: my mom. This one is no different aside from that it is some one different.  My Daddy.  So here are the things that I am thankful for, that is my dad.

Always being there

Taking in two teenagers and loving them as your own

providing a wonderful home

working hard at everything you do

taking me to treatments and sitting in the waiting room…just knowing you were there helped more than you can know.

being Santa…seeing the joy you bring to kids every year makes me thankful for your child-like happiness

being a hard worker: makes me proud to say Im your daughter

being there when I graduated high school and college:  That may seem small but means the world to me

saying you have boyfriend (or rather ex xboyrfriends) names written on bullets in case they broke my heart…such a daddy thing

I am thankful for everything my dad has done for me.  He has always been there.  He raised my brother and I as if we were his own, that is a real dad.  i love my daddy.

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