Feb 26, 2010

Weekly Thanks

I thinking to myself I need to spend more time thanking God for the things I have in my life.  There are things in life that we all should be thankful for, things we tend to take for granted.  I appreciate many things in life.

A child’s laughter

Having a good job that I love

Having a man I love dearly

Friends who are there through and through

A family who supports all decisions

A hunger for knowledge

a simple….hug

Reading a good book on a snowy night

a nice hot bubble bath

The softness of a kittens fur

I know there are some things on the list that are more simplistic than others and other that are more in depth. But everything that we take for granted can be seen as small and simplistic while others are small but deep like having clean water to drink and bathe in.  What are things you are thankful for?

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