Feb 25, 2010

Lifting Up

Lately I have been thinking about the things in life that either get me down or lift me up. I have noticed there are more times when I focus on the things that bring me down rather than what lifts me up. I ask myself why? Why do I do this? I love smiling and being happy so why dwell on the things that hurt and bother me? There are times when we all need lifted up and there are different things that do that. Instead of dwelling on things that bring us down we need to look at positives in life. Does God want us to be negative about life? No, I think he wants us to be positive. Im sitting here thinking of things in life that make me happy that can turn any bad day into something good in an instant. A lot of them have to do with my faith in God, other things not so much, but I guess they tie in with him somewhere.

Reading my Bible. I admit I don't do this as often as I should, but when I do I feel lifted, rejuvinated and so much more happier. Its hard to feel down and depressed when I read my Bible, but at the same time it is hard to read it when I feel down and depressed.

Casey. Yep the love of a good man always makes me happy when I think of him. There are times when I get sad and depressed because I cannot be with him daily or be there to comfort him in times of stress, but that doesn't mean he loves me any less. So how can I allow depression to rule me when I have someone who loves me so much?

Friends. I cannot say that I have a TON of friends, but the friends that I do have mean a great deal to me. I have a few friends who have been there for me during a time when i needed support the most, and those people are like family. When I feel down and out sometimes I will call one, or send them a message. Other times I will look at pictures and just smile. (You all know who you are, if not I will remind you LOL).

Church. My church is like a second home to me. I cannot imagine a better place than sitting in my church for a football game or going bowling with my church family. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my church and I can't imagine feeling depressed after going to a service. I may go in depressed and down, but when I come out...Im lifted up.

We all struggle with feeling depressed and down on a daily basis. Some deal with it differently and some have a harder time with it. SOme feel depressed worse than others, but we all deal with it in one form orr another. There are so many ways we feel lifted and brightened. Many times some of those ways are God's way of trying to help us. What are some ways you feel lifted?

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