I know I think a lot about comfort zones and venturing out of them. I know myself I struggle with wanting to stay within my own comfort zone and doing what others want me to do. I read something today by Paolo Coelho (yes he is becoming my favorite author) he said “Sometimes we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down a wonderful opportunity simply because we don’t know what to do with it.” When I read that I had to ask myself what have I passed up because I was afraid to leave what I knew or because I didn’t know what to do with the opportunity?
There are some opportunities that I have regretted not taking such as a summer seminar in Ireland, 2 weeks of studying W.B Yeats, or the course in photography in Ireland (my favorite professor was the prof. for that one and offered to take me to WB Yeats seminar.) I could have learned so much there, but i was too afraid to even try it. There are some opportunities I was afraid to take and looking back I am happy I didn’t take them because I wouldnt be where I am today.
I know in life we cannot look back and wonder what, but sometimes looking back can help us learn and grow for the future. I already know I am taking more risks in life and taking steps out of my comfort zone like driving 611 miles to see Casey when I have never been there. It may not seem like much but it was a big step from comfort zone. How can we grow and learn more about ourselves and about life if you don’t venture out of our comfort zones? How can we experience life if we just do what everyone else in our community does? Why don’t we just take risks and leave our comfort zones and learn more, experience more and grow more?