Aug 18, 2009


I am in the process of reading a book called "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho. It is focused on wisdom and listening to the "language of the world" which could mean a multitude of things, but Coelho uses religion as parts of his examples: Allah, God, and listening to the God. He says things about looking at the future, fear and learning. What I am going talk about learning. He says "Everything you need to know you learn through the journey." We can read all the books we can get our hands on, we can pray all we want, we can attend seminar after senimar, but the best way to learn anything in life is to learn from our own journey through life. We learn from our mistakes as well as our success.

Many times we ask God for guidance and to help us understand things in life. Many people don't think he answers those prayers in different ways mostly through the things that happen in our lives. We learn God's answers and wisdom through our mistakes and success in different aspects of life. We learn God's little lessons by simply living life the way he expected us to which includes making mistakes through our growing process. We need to pay attention to what God could be trying to tell us through pretty much everything that is happening in our lives. For example: I am learning patience and compassion through my job.

God teaches us things on a daily basis and I don't think we can learn those things from books, seminars, television or wherever else people get their learning. We learn from our journey, we learn from our walk with God, our daily battles whether we win or lose, we still learn something from the journey....learning from the path to hope.

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