Aug 24, 2009

The Alchemist

I just finished reading this really good book "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho. A dear friend Terry suggested it to me, so I thought why not and started reading it. It talks about wisdom. Somewhat in a spiritual sense but at the same time not really. I know real descriptive right. Anyway like I said i just finished it. There are so many things I could say about it but not enough time and space haha. Anyway at one point the main character goes to an oasis on his journey to find his Personal Legend, to find out what his purpose in life is. Kind of like how we are on a journey to find out what God's will for our lives are. At the end of my copy of the book there are different questions about the novel and about yourself which I am kinda talking about with Terry at the moment.

One of the questions is really interesting and has me really thinking...have there been times in your life when you felt resistant to living out your personal legend? has there been times in your life when you felt resistant to living out God's will? I think at some point in all of our lives we all have been resistant to living out God's will or our Personal Legends as Coelho states. I look back on the things in my life and wonder it all had to be a part of Gods will or leading up to his will or else why would it have happened? Why would I have been diagnosed with cancer? Why did I have to spend 6 months through chemotherapy, lost my hair, lost a part of myself; yet when I was finally told I was cancer free I was a new person. So that I could fulfill my Personal Legend better? Did I go through hardship just so that I could serve God's will for my life easier/better?

I think there are times throughout our lives when we are resistant to God's will for our lives. Do we resist to the point that there are times when we do not fulfill our "personal legend"? Why would we resist GOd's will? Why would we want to resist what is supposed to happen in our lives? or to achieve our goals? A lot of the times we allow fear to enter our hearts, we think we made it to one point and cant get farther, and other excuses. With God anything is possible and we can achieve anything. I think we can achieve everything God has planned, but we need to be willing to allow it to happen. We can't resist things anymore.

Easier said than done, I know.

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