Aug 28, 2009

Angel Rays

While working with my client, there have been times when she has pointed out the sun rays and said "look angel rays" I wasn't too sure what she was talking about until she told me. In her mind, the rays of the sun are how angels come to earth. They travel through the sun's beams. It is an interesting thought to have. We all know angels walk this earth even if we cannot see them, but we know they are there. Have we ever thought of how they get from Heaven to earth, but then sun beams are one explanation. It is this kind of innocent thinking that I think allows people to understand and accept the presence of not only angels, but also God a lot more than people who like to analyze things more. When you are innocent as a child, you are quick to believe in anything no matter if you can see it or not; why does that have to change when we get older?

I mean was there a time when you laid on the grass and spent hours looking at the clouds coming up with shapes they looked like? Have you done that since being a child? Why not go outside on a nice sunny day and trying it. Seeing God in the things around you has somewhat of the same concept. We should look at things and say "hey look God is there." or "God is here." We should have childlike innocence to think of sun beams as a way for angels to come to earth. Or that a cloud looks like a bunny rabbit. We can look at something and say "God's hand made that" and not think twice about it the way we did when we were younger.

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