Jun 20, 2009

Strength of God

Things with my new job has gotten a little more stressful. I cannot go into details, but I can say that it is going to take more than I thought emotionally, physically and mentally. This past week has been trying and draining all I want to do is sleep for a day or two. Last night was the worst episode my client had. It scared the living daylights out of my co-worker and I. But we handled it professionally and with grace. I think honestly she and I had the strength of God in us to be able to do what was needed to be done. I was shaking to the core, but I somehow was able to pull it together to do what was needed to be there for my client and give her the care that she needed at that time.

God gives us strength when we don't realize it. There are times when we feel at our weakest but in reality I think we are the strongest because God is there helping us through. God helps us through the times that seem scary and like we aren't doing the best we need to do. I know when I was in the situation that I was in last night, I didn't think I was doing what I needed to. I felt guilty that I didn't notice things faster, that something bad happened when I was keeping an eye on the client. God was there with me and my co-workers giving us the strength that we need.

God gives strength to those who need it, even when we are unable to ask for it from our mouths. He knows when we need it even if we don't have the words to say it. I felt his strength last night and admitted it to my co-worker on my way home. Even though there was a bad episode last night we learned from it, grew from it and learned that our strength may not have been our own, but could have been from God.

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