Jun 4, 2009

Making Time.

I was reading m dear friend Jeremy's blog today and the title alone made me think and wonder. It was simply "Make time For What Is important to you." We all talk about the things that are important to us, friends, family, church, exercise, writing whatever it is there are things that we consider to be incredibly important. Many people say the most important thing to them is their faith, yet when it comes down to making time to pray, read the Bible or even go to church, they make excuses and almost find ways to not do those things.

In Jeremy's blog he was saying that we procrastinate too much to do the things that are important to us. Jeremy stated "Sometimes you won’t have time, you have to make time" I understand having things to do and not having a lot of time to do things, but your faith is the one thing that you need to make time for. You need to make time for God. Stop and take a few minutes out of your day to give thanks or to offer up a prayer of someone or yourself. While you drive instead of listening to music; take that time to talk to God, that is what my mom does. Like Jeremy stated in his make time post the little things make a difference and sometimes it is the little things that mean the world. A couple minutes here and there with God to pray and read a few verses makes a difference in your relationship with Christ.

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