Jun 1, 2009


The past few days I have been thinking about the friendships that I have. There are many people in my life who mean the world to me. We have fun, we're there for each other, and we appreciate each other for who we are and of course we are always there for each other. I know many people think I am foolish for forgiving some of my friends who have hurt me deeply in the past. But in my mind, isn't that the point? If you cannot forgive your friends and forget about the pains they can cause sometimes, who can you forgive and who can you call a friend because people are always going to hurt you. I know that all too well. I have written in the past about a friend who has hurt me numerous times and I know there are people who don't approve that I still talk to him, but he is my friend and I don't want to lose the friendship that we have. So he hurt me in the past, I have hurt him too. The point of the friendship is that we forgive.

When I think about people who ask me "How can you forgive him" or "Why are you talking to him again" I just want to ask...Doesn't God forgive us no matter what? So why should we put restrictions and conditions on our forgivness, especially to people who we call our friends. God forgives us no questions asked, sometimes I think we should do that with the people who come into our lives; family, friends, church members, acquaintances whomever. I think we should forgive them and try to forget I mean how else will we move on? I have been told if you hold on to a grudge and don't forgive a person who hurt you it only hurts you. Sometimes the person who hurt you doesn't care that they hurt you and doesn't lose sleep over it (though guaranteed some do). Forgive them, forget what has been done and move on.

I know i need to take my own advice, and I know how hard it is to just simply forgive someone. In fact it is one of the hardest things to do in life, but that is why we have God to help us forgive people. By the grace of God I have been able to forgive so many people who have hurt me in the past. God has helped me forget about what was done to me and my friends. God gives me the strength to work through all the pain and forgive someone for hurting me especially my friends because sometimes that hurt the worst.

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