Jun 14, 2009


The job that I do is one that not many people would jump to do. While there are days when it is leisurly and we play games, but in the mean time there are days when it is draining of all emotions and physical strength. At the end of most days all I want to do is sleep because I am so drained and feel like I could sleep for days. There are times when I have talked to a co-worker because I wanted to cry from the things I have heard and seen with this job. While talking to him he said something that stood out and meant a lot. He said "this job takes a lot of compassion . Not too many people doing this job has that. That sets you apart."

The compassion that Jeff talked about is a compassion that I think could only come from God. I think I am the way I am because I put to much of my life into Gods hands and allow him to have full control over my life. Sure there will be times when I try to do things on my own, but hey I am human afterall right? I have so much compassion for people around me, sometimes I wonder if it is a bad thing because it allows me to forgive so much which people say I do to easily. But God wants us to forgive and forget correct? Maybe that is a part of my compassion, that I am able to understand why people choose to hurt others including myself to the point where I can forgive them for it.

This world today needs compassion; there is so much hurt and pain in this world, that people need someone who has compassion the way God does. We need to look at the world the way God would and appreciate things the way God would. We need to look at things through God's eyes and not our own.

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