May 21, 2009

Dear Lord

I was listening to a few SonicFlood songs today because I realized I haven't listened to them in a really long time. I came across one that I havent heard even though I have the CD. It is called Dear Lord. It is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard, and it has really made me start thinking things. The song is like a prayer crying out to God. The chorus says:

In my darkest hour
Your every promise comes shining through
You say You're here and you calm my fears
And I know you will never leave
Your word is true and You make all things new
And I know You're all I need.

Those words have never been more true. How often have we felt like we are in our darkest hour throughout life and the only thing that pulls us through is our faith in God? Sometimes, more often than not, all we need in life is God and His love. Sometimes the only person who will be true to us and never hurt us would be God. I know that God is always there calming my fears. There are times when I can feel his arms around me as I cry out to him for strength and guidance. We never know what this life is going to throw at us and we need to rely on God more for things. I will admit there is something in my life right now that I am struggling with and I am calling on God more and more to help me deal with it.

God makes things new and we know his word is true for us. There is no need to doubt anything the Bible tells us about God and that he would always be here for us protecting and guiding us through our hardships. This song...this SonicFlood song is a a great reminder and helped me put things into perspective.

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