May 15, 2009

Relationships and Trust

Every relationship requires some form of trust. I dated a guy who was trying to force me to open up to him and tell him things, which made it even harder to do. They guy I am seeing now, everything comes naturally to talk about and we grew close together very fast because of it. It is easy to trust someone when they don't force you to do something that may be hard for you to do. You can trust someone when they show you they can be trusted with different things you tell them.

Trust makes a relationship stronger: this is also true for our relationships with God. We need to trust God with different things in life. Acquire The Fire one of the speakers talked about trusting God throughout life even when we don't know where life is going to take us. Sure we don't know where this road is going to take us but we need to have trust and faith in God. We don't know where our romantic relationships will go but we have trust and faith in them that we will be willing to do different things to make it work and to see where it goes. Shouldn't we be doing what it takes to see where our relationship with God will take us.

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